This website serves as a personal portfolio of work. For a professional project portfolio, contact Shannon via the contact page here - CONTACT



Role: Designer

Construction Completed 2015

Recipient of Building Brooklyn Award, Landscape and Open Space 2015

MASterworks Award, Best Urban Landscape 2015

The re-designed engineering quadrangle hosts more intuitive pathways based on an in-depth movement study of pedestrians, vehicles and services. The project was most sensitive to the existing trees and was completed without the relocation of any existing trees and built upon most of the existing planting. A new outdoor garden classroom with seating creates a point of collaboration and more fluid paths offer new perspectives of some of Pratt’s most historic buildings. Additional bike parking, seating, lighting and drainage were incorporated to benefit the student population attending classes as well as the neighborhood at large, which utilizes Pratt’s historic campus as a local public park.


Role : Assistant Professor and Technical Coordinator to Kathleen Dunne and Michael Trencher

Urban Utopias - Skyscraper Studio - Thesis Design


The studio explores the contextual challenges of building super-tall self contained cities in rapidly urbanizing sites. The basis of vertical living is sustainable practices and each student is encouraged to incorporate and develop schemes that aim to promote new ways of sustainable and zero waste living. By engaging the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) and inviting them into the classroom to collaborate, we open our students to a new world of professional development and possibility.


Role: Designer and Project Manager

Programming and Schematic Design


Initiated by Marymount School of New York, this proposal explores the evolving needs of the school’s young students. We proposed a 60,000 sf ground-up school building complete with adaptable ground floor auditorium space, full sky-gymnasium, rooftop semi-enclosed play space and chapel. The heart of the project reflects upon their existing space within the Pratt Mansions which surrounds a classical 4 - story stair where the students meet, talk, play and study. We aimed to emulate this space with a large expandable stair space on the north side of the building which becomes a familiar home for these interactions. This learning center becomes an expression of growth in its form and structure, wandering towards the sky as a tree branch grows toward the sun. Clinging to these ‘branches’ is a distinct language of angles walls and faceted surfaces which generate spaces that promote creative thought and form a series of ‘tree houses’.


Role: Researcher and Designer

Cavern - Form making and programmatic exploration - 2012

A highly personal exploration of what it means to lose a sense through the research and codification of the history of loss within a family. This project explores what it means to take data and language and process it through a script for formal generation. The final product of this created process is a highly organic, program intensified space.

city living

Role: Designer Advisor

Construction Completed 2013

Private Residence Renovation Advisement - the renovation of the lower level of a historic brownstone aimed to achieve a modern lower level for living while maintaining the historic character of the space which dominates the upper levels. Full kitchen, closets, bathroom, laundry space and dining area with new electrical and restored mouldings completed the more modern interpretation of ‘City Living’.